Link to National Forms and Guides
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Login Required

New Buddy Poppy Order Form 1 July 2024
(Cost Change Effective 01 Oct 2023) (add + $10.00 dollars for shipping) Click Here Download Form.
CSR Reports - Must be entered through the VFWWA.ORG Member Login CSR Portal.
Program reporting for All-State will have a form sent into Department of Washington along with inputting the data into the CSR portal. 

Used when Post conducts an event with other agencies. 
Use this form to report activities conducted with Washington Department of Veterans Affairs.

District Joint Community Service Event Report
Used when Post conducts an event with other agencies.

Used when Post conducts a recruiting event. (Also known as Buddy Poppy Table or Info Booth)
Select Programs then select Scouting Program for documents pertaining to Scout of the Year.
This program was suspended from National and no longer available.

Used when participating in a community Stand Down that serves Veterans and their Families. 

Used for the reporting of submission of a JROTC or like award to youth.

Used for reporting District Public Servant Nominations and Submissions. 

Used for reporting Post Public Servant Nominations and Submissions. 

Used for State Reporting that a Post has acquired a Unit to sponsor for MAP grants.

National requires at least one report to be submitted annually in order for your adoption to be considered active.  

  • To report your activities to National use this link:

  • Please enter only one event per report form.  Multiple activities happening with the same unit on the same day are considered one event.


Other Useful Forms 

Bond Application Form for Officers Bonds 2023-2024
(Bond Application for ONLY Elected and Appointed Officer Positions)

Club Bonds Application Form 2023-2024
(Bond application for anyone not in elected or appointed Officer Positions)

Bonding Rates 2023-2024
(Rates are the same for Officers and Club Bonds)

District Election Report Form
Election Report Must be done on the National Website to be Valid.

This is PDF format for Post

This is Word format for Post

This is Word format for District

District Commander Meeting Report Form to be submitted to Department after meeting.
This shows attendance of District Officers and Post Officers.

Trustees Report Audit Form – no zeros - PDF

Trustees Report Audit Form XLS- no zeros - XLS

Trustees Guide for Proper Audit
Travel Expense Voucher 2024-2025


Teacher of the Year Reporting

Teacher of the Year District Report 


Youth Essay Applications


Voice of Democracy 24-25

Patriots Pen 24-25

Youth Essay Reporting

District Reporting Instructions for VOD and Patriot's Pen - This is the requirement for Department to send to National. Winners' packets need to have exactly what is listed in this report.

VOD Scoresheet -Used by judges to determine winner.

Patriot's Pen Scoresheet - -Used by judges to determine winner.

Youth Essay Scoresheet - -Used by judges to determine winner.

Post Report Form-Used to document all Youth Essay Submissions from Post level.

District VOD Report Form

Used by District to report Voice of Democracy submissions and scholarship funds provided to students.

District Patriot's Pen Report Form

Used by District to report Patriots Pen submissions and scholarship funds provided to students.

District Youth Essay Report Form

Used by District to report Washington State Youth Essay submissions and scholarship funds provided to students.

NOTE: Those forms below that are noted as "Interactive" means that you can complete the form via your computer. Simply download the PDF file to your computer (right click - save link as). Open it and you can type directly into the PDF and then click the "Email" button to send the results to us. Remember, you must first save the file to your computer. It will not work directly in the browser.